
Deconstructed Machine Wall

  • 50' L x 8’ H
  • End Design was provided with literally thousands of parts of our clients products spanning several generations of the company's evolution
  • The goal was to abstractly arrange the parts in a way that helped showcase the complexity and innovation of the machines while also making them nearly unrecognizable from their true form
  • In some cases we partially disassembled the parts to resemble an exploded schematic drawing, and many of the parts we dissected all the way to the last nut and bolt and wire
  • The majority of the parts were painted white, and a few key parts were left raw metal or exposed carbon fiber for the overall color balance and layout
  • The floor is an acrylic mirror providing an additional layer depth to the installation
  • Disassembled and pre-fabricated in shop, then transported and re-installed on site
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